Friday 9 March 2012

Country Living Boutique..

Matilda and I were heading off to a lifestyle boutique in the country side called "Country Living"... We arrived there around 10am and it turned out that they weren't open until, we had some time to, we chilled....

At the "pig house"... I'm serious..
That used to be the name of the house!!

A typical Swedish landscape...(If you take me out of the photo):P

 Keep the balance....

...and twirl....

Love the dress...Love the shoes...Love the bag!

Behind the scenes...
Matilda got to play guest photographer for this post. Turning up too early turned out to be quite alright anyway. We had our fun and I got my bed quilt eventually :)


PS. Believe it or not it was only 1°c when we did this photo shoot. No, it wasn't cold AT ALL...